[Post 2.3] Growth Goals Update

Pinqiao 'Jerry' Li
2 min readJul 18, 2021

In my Post 1.3, I talked about an overarching guideline for my summer of 2021, this includes a ‘discipline checklist’ that I will follow to ensure I’m taking sizeable chunks of change at a time. Below is how I did in June.

Starting on June 14th, the due date for WP1, I made a list and executed most of the items. This continued for about two days until I pretty much fell back to my regular routine. Initially, what I thought would be a relatively easy list to follow (As long as do the tasks, no matter how long or short the duration) turned out to be harder than I thought. Realistically speaking, taking 10 days out of my day to read and meditate does not consume much of my time at all; however, I only completed them less than 50% of the time (8 out of 17 days). Another thing that I clearly noticed is how I negatively react to everything I do right before bedtime. Being told that writing a reflective gratitude journal can hugely increase our sense of happiness and purpose, I was motivated to put everything aside and carry it through. I ended up feeling too tired to write and focus by the time I wind down from my day; I am still trying to work on this but it will certainly take more time.

What felt good:

  • I started working out more regularly as I set up a running routine to follow
  • I am more conscious of the things I am doing and my time management

What needs work:

  • Execution definitely needs to be improved, I cannot slack off when I don’t feel like doing things
  • I watched YouTube excessively on pretty much everyday of the month and I think I need some extra help to tackle with the problem

It is currently July and I have the list running for the month, I will check back in again for some updates and I believe they are looking better already.



Pinqiao 'Jerry' Li

usc'23 // Environmental Studies major & Risk Management minor